Saturday, December 8, 2007

1280 trapped in a 1230 body...

i was on-line a few years ago and some guy as black just made like a tent of pawns in the middle of the board. and didnt trade any - just locked up the middle. and then stuffed his king in there and put the horseys and bishops in close too. then sent the wing pawns out to get trouble starting. it was pretty fun playing against him - i think i lost all 4 games this way. so i tried it myself. and it was a blast playing that. i think i did pretty well with it after a while.

anyone ever see this?


SamuraiPawn said...

If you could publish the game it would be easier to figure out which opening you might have faced. The easiest way I've found to do this is at

BTW, if you would like to put up a list of links to other knights and friends on your sidebar there is a good description of how to do it here. It makes it easier to check in on every one else. ;)

Sparfy said...

thanks - i was wondering how to go about that. :-)

drunknknite said...

I play a "tent" as Black and there is a similar structure you can play for White if you wish. The pawns go on d4, e3, and c3 (Black d5, e6, and c6). For Black this is called the Caro-Kann against e4 and the Semi-Slav against d4. For White this is called the Colle Attack. It's actually a good system for White if you're learning, but the king doesn't usually stay in the center.... also the wing pawns aren't the best way to play.

Liquid Egg Product said... has a very nice interface. If you want to embed a game directly into your blog, is a good choice (warning: this will increase your blog's load times)

Your opponent's strategy reminds me of one of my favorite Stratego layouts where the flag was in the front rank behind the lake surrounded by a couple of bombs. The game would either end very quickly or with an utterly bewildered opponent.