Thursday, December 6, 2007

Golfing and Pawns

thanks everyone for saying hello! i need the go, sparf go! cheer at least in my own head now and then for motivation.

just openned up the CT-Art program, and closed it really quick. gads i get some nasty ego shots from that thing...

i think i will spend the evening working on endgames. pawns and such. speaking of pawns, i have another question for you guys. its about the H pawn. i mean, the guy looks like every other pawn out there. but, i like to run him up on the kingside as white - attack the badguys. but lately, i have been feeling some un-ease when i do it. it rarely amounts to much. and it takes about 4 moves to get it up there and then just traded off. it does get the H file open, but... i dont know, just something doesnt feel right about it. i never see any grandmaster games where they do that. its not in ct-art ever as a part of some great set of moves. i kinda feel like, well, you know when you are golfing and you see some newbs playing in front of you or with you. and you get to the green. and they put with one finger pointed down the stick? you know that feeling you get? hmmm... gads.

well, thats the same i have been feeling for myself about this lately. like, the guy playing me is rolling his eyes thinking "crud, what a newb. sending the H pawn like that."

just wondering your opinions on this i guess :-)

i think i am too impatient!


drunknknite said...

I read this post earlier and I posted a game I've been meaning to post for a while which features a very early h-pawn advance (with the Black pieces)

Here's the post.

Temposchlucker said...

If black fianchettoes the h-pawn will move sooner or later usually. Without the "hook" of the g6-pawn a piece sac is often needed instead.

Sparfy said...

awesome game drunknknite!

THAT is the kinda fun i would love to have as black! :-)

wow. nice